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History - 2010-2019


Annual Meeting - October 1-2

Location - Mariott Hotel West, Minneapolis

2011 Board

President - Natalie Stanley

VP/President Elect - Stephen Medlicott

President Ex-Officio - vacant

Secretary - Marty Barnum

Treasurer - Melissa Mittelstaedt

Member-at-Large - Christine Swick

North Representative - vacant

South Representative - Cari Sibenaller

Metro Representative - vacant

Central Representative - vacant


Annual Meeting - October 21

Location - Hilton, Bloomington

2012 Board

President - Stephen Medlicott

VP/President Elect - vacant

President Ex-Officio - vacant

Secretary - Marty Barnum

Treasurer - Melissa Mittelstaedt

Member-at-Large - vacant

North Representative - Michelle Remer

South Representative - Cari Sibenaller

Metro Representative - David Evans

Central Representative - Mark Alan English


Annual Meeting - October 27

Location - Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC), Duluth

2013 Board

President - Stephen Medlicott

VP/President Elect - Julie Bauch (VP)

President Ex-Officio - vacant

Secretary - Dee Ramnarine

Treasurer - Melissa Mittelstaedt

Member-at-Large - Bill Ross

North Representative - Michelle Remer

South Representative - Jules Lehto

Metro Representative - David Evans

Central Representative - Mark Alan English


Annual Meeting - October 18, 2013

Location - Metro State University, St. Paul

2014 Board

President - Stephen Medlicott

VP/President Elect - Julie Bauch (VP)

President Ex-Officio - Carrie Wilbert

Secretary - Dee Ramnarine

Treasurer - Melissa Mittelstaedt

Member-at-Large - Ashley Butcher

North Representative - Karen Sheldon

South Representative - Michael Provancha

Metro Representative - Sydney Capeling

Central Representative - Ezra Kesler

Student Representative - Janine Schug


Annual Meeting - October 17, 2014

Location - Mayo Civic Center, Rochester

2015 Board

President - Carrie Wilbert

VP/President Elect - Nathan Ellis (VP)

President Ex-Officio - vacant

Secretary - Janine Schug

Treasurer - Ashley Butcher

Member-at-Large - Kari Brecht

North Representative - vacant

South Representative - Michael Provancha

Metro Representative - Sydney Capeling

Central Representative - Curt Slater

Student Representative - Rachel Hiel


Annual Meeting - October 16, 2015

Location - Metro Deaf School (MDS), St. Paul

2016 Board

President - Nathan Ellis

VP/President Elect - Megan Bolduc (VP)

President Ex-Officio - Sarah Mansager

Secretary - Janine Schug

Treasurer - vacant/Pauline Ballentine

Member-at-Large - Pam Gleason

North Representative - Mackenzie Koerner

South Representative - Michael Provancha

Metro Representative - Pauline Ballentine/Tamar Jackson Nelson

Central Representative - Curt Slater

Student Representative - Alina Hornfeldt


Annual Meeting - October 22, 2016

Location - Mall of America, Bloomington

2017 Board

President - Nathan Ellis/Tamar Jackson Nelson/vacant

Vice President - Megan Bolduc 

President Ex-Officio - Sarah Mansager

Secretary - Asher Edes

Treasurer - Pauline Ballentine

Member-at-Large - Shawn Vriezen

North Representative - Mackenzie Koerner

South Representative - Curt Slater

Metro Representative - Maria Dively/vacant

Central Representative - Pam Gleason

Student Representative - Jane Mehlhaff 


Annual Meeting - October 22, 2017

Location - Metro Deaf School (MDS), St. Paul

2018 Board

President - Tarra Grammenos

Vice President- Shawn Vriezen

President Ex-Officio - vacant

Secretary - Janine Schug

Treasurer - Katelyn Wells

Member-at-Large - Nic Zapko

North Representative - Brandi Hoie

South Representative - Curt Slater

Metro Representative - Sydney Groven

Central Representative - Anne Janckila

Student Representative - Heidi Hanson

Transition Team (Ad Hoc)
The Transition Team was established at the Fall Conference in 2015 and ran until the Fall Conference in 2017. Their mission was to study the association structure and purpose, solicit input from members and make recommendations to the membership. A copy of their final report can be found here
. They conducted focus groups with MRID members that identified as:

●     New Interpreters

●     Lightly Seasoned Interpreters

●     Experienced Interpreters

●     Interpreters of Color

●     Deaf Interpreters

●     Deaf Interpreters in St. Cloud

●     Educational Interpreters

●     Interpreter Mentors

Change Team (Ad Hoc)
The Change Team Ad Hoc Committee was established in 2018 to restructure the MRID Board of Directors. They worked the entire year, researched other state affiliate chapters, posted various vlogs educating the community about this proposal, and eventually the membership voted at the Fall Conference to change the structure starting January of 2019.

The structure went from eleven board members - President, Vice President, Ex-Officio, Secretary, Treasurer, Northern Rep, Southern Rep, Metro Rep, Central Rep, Student Rep, and Member-at-Large to seven - President, Operations Director, Finance Director, Membership Director, Programs Director, Community Relations Director, and Communications Director.


Annual Meeting - October 27, 2018

Location - Breezy Point Resort, Breezy Point

2019 Board

Director - Tarra Grammenos

Operations Director - Sydney Groven

Finance Director - Katelyn Wells

Programs Director - Jon Ainsworth/Bethany Gehman

Communications Director - Nic Zapko

Membership Director - Michelle Remer

Community Relations Director - Jamers Speier


Annual Meeting - October 19, 2019

Location - Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD), Faribault

2020 Board

President - Tarra Grammenos

Operations Director - Sydney Groven

Finance Director - Katelyn Wells

Programs Director - Nic Zapko

Communications Director - Nicki Mosbeck-Barrett

Membership Director - Michelle Remer

Community Relations Director - Joy Hahn/Megan Bolduc

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